Personal Training is located in Philadelphia, PA


Personal Training is located in Philadelphia, PA 〰️

Fitness Coaching

Knowing how to exercise properly is critical for results and preventing injury. A good program makes effective use of your time. It is equally important to have the right mindset. Once you have it, training is the easy part.

How does your fitness coaching program work?

Step 1 - Complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) form

  • Once received, I'll analyze it and collaborate with you to design an effective exercise program that aligns with your lifestyle.

Step 2 - First session

  • Once your personalized program is in place, we'll meet at my public gym for our first session. During our session, I'll guide you through overcoming challenges by fostering a growth mindset while demonstrating the correct form for the exercises in your program.

Step 3 - Post-session

  • I'll regularly check in on your progress, ensuring you're on track and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Step 4 - Future Sessions

  • We will repeat this process every 1-6 months until you are confident enough to train on your own. The number of sessions may vary. Some may be ready after 1 session, while others need more.

Step 5 - Beyond Fitness Coaching

  • To complement your training, I offer Fitness Classes, including energizing fitness boxing and kickboxing, to enhance your workout routine.

What separates your program from others?

In contrast to mainstream gyms, you're not just a face in the crowd. Your fitness journey is not just a one-time session but an ongoing partnership to sustain your wellness goals.

What is the cost and how long is the session?

  • $100/hour plus email/text check-ins

Please sign up below to find out more about fitness coaching.